



From economic downturn to disruption: 5 best practices for fashion CFOs to build resilience via the cutting room

During this recession, fashion manufacturing CFOs need to look beyond cost cutting and invest in upgrading and improving their most valuable fixed asset: the cutting room. 

Financial leadership: The pivotal role of fashion CFOs

Global economic growth is predicted be sluggish this year and CFOs have a difficult task of helping their companies rise above this crisis and stay competitive.

While change management is nothing new to CFOs, striking the right balance between cutting costs and creating growth is always challenging, especially in a saturated marketplace such as fashion.

By taking smart and calculated investment risks, CFOs have the power to turn challenges into opportunities, even during a crisis.


Going beyond cost cutting: Upgrading fixed assets to create long-term value

The cutting room is the backbone of fashion production and an engine of revenue growth.

While it is intuitive to cut down on spending for CFOs, now is the time for them to focus on improving the current conditions of their fixed assets and invest in their people.

Improving their production environment with the right technology will lead higher productivity, and in turn, increase cost savings, as they will manufacture larger quantities of garments using the same amount of resources as before.

5 best practices for CFOs to implement in the cutting room during a slowdown

Here at Lectra, we have the solutions, tools, and services to help you implement these best practices and thrive during this recession.

Want to know how Lectra’s solutions and services can help you implement these best practices efficiently and effectively? Read our e-guide to discover more.

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