Solving the challenges of pattern development with advanced CAD software
To prevent production delays that can cause late deliveries or lower profit margins, it’s crucial to resolve technical design issues as of the pattern development stage.
Resolve pattern piece incompatibility
Production issues can result in lost time and revenue in today’s fast-moving, fiercely competitive garment industry. The increased frequency of new product collection launches requires technical design teams to manage a greater workload and shorter lead-times. Because consumers have high expectations of product quality and fit, fashion companies can’t afford to compromise on pattern consistency. To control costs, fabric consumption must remain on target and technical design issues must be resolved prior to production to prevent delays.
To keep production running smoothly, it’s crucial to get technical design right as of the pattern development stage. Lectra’s advanced CAD software solutions offer the automation to overcome many common pattern design challenges.
Incompatible pattern pieces can result in re-work, leading to delays and lower margins. By using Modaris Classic, it’s possible to define exact measurements on the pattern pieces that need to be stitched. The software’s dynamic measurement chart enables a formula to be applied after each alteration to verify compatibility. By using enriched version Modaris Expert, dependent pieces can be linked, to ensure compatibility after any alteration.
Perform consistent pattern alterations
Alterations to specific pattern pieces are time-consuming and can affect compatibility with other pattern pieces. By using Modaris Classic, it’s possible to work from the flat pattern layout to quickly alter and re-seam pieces. Updating values for the entire pattern block ensures all pieces fit together. By using enriched version Modaris Expert, intelligent links make it possible to alter several pieces with dependencies in a single click.
Quickly check and verify pattern pieces
Checking to verify that pattern piece measurements are accurate is a time-consuming task. By using Modaris Classic’s dynamic measurement chart, you can ensure consistency and fit across the pattern block pieces. By using enriched version Modaris Expert, the measurement values of points linked to the dynamic measurement chart can be altered and instantly visualized in the pattern pieces.
Keep fabric consumption within cost targets
Thanks to built-in Quick Estimate functionality, it’s possible to perform fast, reliable costing estimates following each alteration. This allows you to see the impact of changes made to the pattern design and track fabric consumption accordingly, without the intervention of suppliers or the marker-making department.
Ensure pattern notches all match
Mismatched pattern notches can cause serious seam-quality and garment-quality issues. By using Modaris Classic, you can match two pieces together by setting a key measurement with developed points. This ensures matched points move in tandem. By using enriched version Modaris Expert, you can link notches on developed points or link a developed point notch to the measurement chart for pieces that join on a seam. This ensures that notches always match, even after pattern alterations.
Get patterns right as of the first prototype
Modaris and Modaris Expert incorporate material, color and mannequin libraries to create 3D prototypes. The exacting precision of 3D modeling reflects actual shape, drape and fit with a high degree of accuracy while limiting the number of costly physical prototypes required to get designs through the approval process.
With the automation and enhanced efficiency of CAD solutions, technical development teams can streamline their workflow to help production remain on track. Patternmaking is a core component of this process. By providing patternmakers with advanced software, fashion companies can shorten lead-times as of the pattern-design stage, controlling costs and preventing needless waste and re-work in the process.